Monday, October 3, 2011

What is The Chop Shop?

   10 years ago a 2 individuals in high school would sit at the lunch table and talk about nothing but cars and video games, but the subject leaned toward more on cars itself. What's faster, more fuel efficient, the worse car to work on the side of the road, most overrated, highly underrated, etc. This would initially transcend after graduation and into adulthood. Of further conversations and ideas thrown around they decided to create a blog and a show, to express the interest and knowledge of everything that has 4 wheels and an engine. Then life called      upon them to be responsible adults and the show never came into play. Years later they met up at a car show, caught up with life around them and once again the idea came back into play. They both have experienced the ups and downs of certain manufacturers and vehicles willing to share that knowledge with some of the unknowing public and chat with other Enthusiasts alike. This then lead into the creation of ...THE CHOP SHOP!
      The Significance of the Chop Shop is simple. To just talk shop about cars, and everything surrounding Cars, even video games to say the least. Chop Shop which came from the earlier terms of a shop that chop up cars and sell the parts, the meaning of our show is merely the same. We break down the Companies Vehicles and share our opinion on them, if there worth buying, what to stay weary of, what will be a money pit in the future, but its not bashing of automobile companies or anything like that, its just friendly banter, rants, and overall fun. If you love cars and enjoying talking about them whatever it may be feel free to join us in this crazy Road Trip..... See you on the road.

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